Tuesday, December 24, 2019

My Dream House Architectural Model - 1814 Words

Dream House Architectural Model Foam Custom Built Model Criteria A : Investigating Generally, I revere everything in life, it illustrates a clear explanation of whom I want to become in the future. The grade 10 students were introduced to the MYP personal project and with this in mind, I had many vital ideas executed, but confused to choose a product that contributes to my interests. I love learning and discovering new things. After many cups of coffee, I obtained an idea or goal to create a three-dimensional foam architectural model of my dream house. My family built our own house in India last year and for viewing the stages of building a house became one of my interest. I always wondered how the workers/builders managed to get the house in perfect shape as the engineer contemplated. For instance, how can a bunch of line sketches or drawings on a piece of paper transform into a three-dimensional figure on land; when both the engineer and construction worker dont have any relationship in common. I have many questions that are still unanswered. Based on this person al, I will build a model of my dream house as a (final) product. This personal project is important because it will enhance my organizational skills, creativity and time management. Throughout this project, I will create blueprints for both main/first floors and interior/exterior elevation. I want to succeed in this projectShow MoreRelatedMy View Of My Dream House935 Words   |  4 Pagesexecuted but confused to choose a product that contributes to my interests. I love learning and discovering new things. After many cups of coffee, I obtained an idea or goal to create a three-dimensional foam architectural model of my dream house. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Green Mountain Free Essays

Running head: Turnover Problem Green Mountain Resort (Dis)solves the Turnover Problem Introduction The beautiful Green Mountain Resort was a doomed business from the beginning. As the developer failed, the investment bank took it over to fix it up and resell it to at least get their money from it. However, they fell in love with it and made the decision to create a first class operation. We will write a custom essay sample on Green Mountain or any similar topic only for you Order Now The manager and part owner Gunter had a vision of the first class resort. The one thing that was halting this vision was the problem he faced with turnover. The resort was located in the poorest area of the state. That being said, it is hard to find and keep good help when there is little to choose from. When he did find some great help they quickly moved on for better opportunities, because he just did not have much more than entry level positions being a small business. So the problem he faces is what the turnover creates. Gunter cannot expect to provide outstanding service as he seems to be constantly in training mode. The great employees that he wants to have on staff end up leaving for more opportunity. Case Questions Change Images used by each Gunter’s change image was that of a coach. The image or reputation of Green Mountain became that of being an excellent place to obtain training to advance one’s career. Gunter mentors those that provide outstanding service and helps them to become even better. The hospitality literature’s change image was that of the navigator. It described the turnover as a chronic problem and that something needed to be done to stop the turnover or the resort would fail. The consultant’s change image was that of the interpreter. He helped Gunter to see the turnover issue as a possible positive instead of a negative. Now the resort attracts and helps develop further highly motivated people which is a win win for both Gunter and the recruits. Assumptions and prescriptions from each Each of the assumptions influenced the prescriptions for dealing with the turnover problem. Gunter started out as a nurturer and he looked at the turnover as a problem and tried several things to help stop it, but nothing he did worked. When he became the coach and started mentoring he viewed the problem differently and now he was known for jumpstarting careers. The hospitality literature was the navigator and saw the turnover as a problem that needed to be solved. Some ways to do that were to streamline training, simplify the job and don’t depend on any employees. There was a way to fix it and it was to make things easier. The consultant was the interpreter, a different view of the problem. How can the turnover be an asset, he helped Gunter to find the positive side of a problem. â€Å"if we only draw upon one particular frame† The conclusions we draw from the statement â€Å"if we only draw upon one particular frame, then this will take us away from thinking about what is going on from an alternative perspective† are if we only a view a problem from one angle, another could be there but our minds are closed to any new possibilities. If we view a problem from different angles, like Gunter did after the consultant brought it up, then there may be alternatives to a problem and that problem could become an asset. References Palmer, I, Dunford, R. , Akin, G. (2009). Managing Organizational Change: A Multiple Prospective Approach. New York, NY: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. /Irwin. How to cite Green Mountain, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Business Model for the Organisation-Free-Samples for Students

Questions: 1.Explain what is involved when referring to the notion of an e-business archetype, business model as an activity system and a Business Model as a cost-revenue architecture. 2.Explain how these Business Model conceptualisations can be used to analyse and solve static and dynamic problems, including business model design/re-design problems. 3.Explain what is meant by the term Business Context and the notion that change in Business. 4.Refer to an organisation that has been impacted by either one or a combination of the following Phenomena. Answers: Introduction Business model assists a business to have a concise and clear picture about its operation. Management team draws the accurate business model for the organisation and they strive to give value mostly to the customers. This value proposition tends to be stronger than the competitors in the market. The management team draws the business model in a way that acquires large customer base for the business. The aim of the business model is to generate sell for the business and increase revenue opportunity. In first part of the essay, one business concept model will be discussed mentioning relevance of e-business archetype, business model as a system and cost-revenue archetype. In latter part of the essay, McDonalds business model and its relevance will be discussed. In the last section, impact of the business model of business will be discussed. Defining the concept of a business model In Franchise model, instead of building own business, some of business owners buy another's business strategy and growth. The franchise system allows one business to purchase another company ownership stake and the franchise buyer does not need to make own distribution channel and develop new products. The parent company needs to provide proprietary products and brand name to the franchisor. However, as stated by Pedersen, Gwozdz Hvass (2016), franchise system is beneficial for both, it can reduce the capital investment of the franchisor and for the parent organisation, it provides benefits to open a new store in other location that can enhance brand image. Franchise owners can have revenue that would be collected from that location and franchise will have licensing fees. Moreover, if the business has e-business model through a mobile app, the customers will have the products in near outlets. 1.Explaining the notion of an e-business archetype, business model as an activity system and cost-revenue architecture The business model can be referred as a statement, description, architecture, a representation, a method and a structural template for an organisation (Mazzarol et al., 2016). Doing a business electronically is the new notion of the business model as it is a less expensive way and risk is low. Internet based business refers that the organisation conducts the business and commercial transaction through an internet. In recent time, businesses have made advances in information technologies and communication system. Of late, computing system decreases the utilisation cost that accelerates the boundary of e-business. E-business models are diverse and these could be e-shops, third party services, e-procurements and online network creation. There are others e-business models as well that are infrastructure network, portals, producers. A business operates with the concept of participants in a business with interest of company, customers, allies and suppliers. Strategic method for e-business is now relationship marketing. Most of the e-business firms now take the concept of freemium concept as the organisations are now providing free products, services, plans and subscriptions. As described by Miller, McAdam McAdam, (2014), the most of the organisations are trying to accumulate various media channels into one. Most importantly, the organisations are trying to focus mainly on the mobiles based app and internet. E-business archetype is related to the mission, structure, revenues, process, legal issues and technologies (Zott, Raphael Massa, 2011). Value creation mechanism has been experimented multiple times by the digital economy and marketers are creating values with making a network with partners in e-business. Value creation in e-business can be described as digital economy and also as set of capabilities. Resources, core competencies and capabilities are helpful for making strategic networks. However, four main sources for value creation are lock-in, novelty, efficiency and complementariness (Schneider Spieth, 2013). Moreover, firm performance is related to the business model and the process of utilising resources and capabilities. Most of the e-business provides emphasis on novelty that allows the business to have strategy of differentiation or cost leadership strategy. Business model focuses mainly on the generation of cost and revenue and the main attention is on business model innovation. The e-business needs to decrease time in marketing with maturing business model lifecycle. There are four aspects in cost revenue architecture, financial aspects, customer interface, value proposition and business infrastructure (Spieth, Schneckenberg Ricart, 2014). In addition to this, business model innovation is important as it is vehicle for business transformation. 2.Explaining business model conceptualizations and solving static and dynamic problems In business model, components are value proposition, customer relationship, key activities and key resources, goals, channels and scopes (Iacob et al., 2014). Static properties of an organisation will be unchanged in overtime and these help the organisation in carrying out the activities. However, in order to gather innovation in business model, the management can integrate dynamic features. The business model can be seen as the components that would help an organisation to have the overall process of an organisation in highlighting target customers. The static components of business can be solved through interaction, synergies and flexibility. Static problems can be solved through value proposition, nature of inputs and outputs, congruence strategy components, key resources, transformation of inputs and revenue and profit. However, dynamic capabilities are included with the business environment with innovative actions, rapid change, time-to-market and competitive reduction. Dynamic capabilities can be referred as organisations capacity and management responsibilities (Hargreaves, Longhurst Seyfang, 2013). The organisation can do susceptible change with taking adaptive capabilities, absorptive capabilities and innovative capabilities. Figure 1: Business Innovation through dynamic capabilities (Source: Nica, 2015) 3.Explain the business context and the notion that changes business Context analysis can be stated as a method that is helpful to refer the operation of business environment (Martins, Rindova Greenbaum, 2015). The environment of business can be two types, external and internal. Corporate entrepreneurship is all about development of new ideas and organisation always strives for profitability. All the organisations try to be profitable and strategic renewal is needed even if it is business model. Existing business must go on changes if it's running in the not profitable way. Within the management, the organisation takes the decision in notion of innovation and it is the core concept of corporate entrepreneurship (Liebowitz, 2013). Innovation and corporate entrepreneurship both talk about calculated risk taking the ability of a business bring change in business model. Change management in business model talks about technology innovation that can be seen in mechanism of firms innovation and organisations resources about technologies. Technology changes are considered to be the core concept in business innovation and that is inevitable. Technology changes can be seen as vehicle for innovation and most important subject in sustainability and innovation. 4.Referring to an organisation that has been impacted by changes phenomena McDonalds organisation has its outlets worldwide and it has its outlets in Australia too. Moreover, the McDonalds takes the business model of franchise seriously and with the help of the business model, the organisation gives service in more than 50 million people in more than 118 countries (McDonald's Australia, 2017). McDonald's sells more than 50 burgers every second in worldwide figure. Additionally, in managing big-data, McDonald's has multidisciplinary team in to deploy the responses in case any issue occurs. Organisation in a past few years took the action through an information-centric organisation with providing data driven decision. In makings useful decision in IT analytics and software developing, the organisation provides training to HR, finance team in using of Big Data. Marketing department works hard in deploying the big data services in McDonald's. Moreover, McDonald's has numerous franchisee business models all over the worlds and making a connection and creating da ta driven culture, McDonald's binds the organisation with a single actionable and relevant big data. Nonetheless, it is showing that technology is important for not only e-business for also franchise business model. In value chain analysis, it is the future in technology using as logistics are associated with this. Inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics and marketing and sales and services are related to this. McDonald's has support activities like firm infrastructure, human resources, management and technology development with procurement services (DaSilva Trkman, 2014). In inbound logistics, McDonald's buys raw vegetables and materials from suppliers and operation happens in restaurant kitchen. In the process, the organisation keeps it system oriented as computer keeps the track of the process of selling through the use of technologies. In addition, in outbound logistics, the organisation provides more focus on the energy conservation, innovation and sustainability. Explaining the organisation's business model that has been impacted by change and managers responsibilities McDonalds Australia focuses the franchise business model and organisation has mobile app and customers can order products. In changing the business through the use of technologies, value creation, correct use of resources and capabilities, the organisation needs to allocate more budget. The managers of the organisation need to take decision about this. Conclude by briefly discussing the significance of your findings for the future of business models research and practice. Changes in sustainability and innovation are related to embracing the industry disruption. It shows that if one product or service is not working properly, the organisation must follow the industry trend to handle the situation. McDonald's can opt to have e-business option that delivers on-time fast food on customers demand. In addition, knitting the network together is important as in case of disruption of industry, the organisation can knit together the networks in altogether. Lastly, customer relation is importa nt as it is related to the pulse of the customers who buy the products who can provide comments through social media. Conclusion The business model in recent time is a new unit of explanation which can bridge the traditional idea about the network of the company. Furthermore, it is observed that business model is mostly the systematic or holistic adaptation of organisation's growth that the managers take to achieve the goals. Franchisee model may help to have the growth, however, e-business model simultaneous consideration in operating a business. The business model should consider the performance of organisation, partners, customer and suppliers Reference List DaSilva, C. M., Trkman, P. (2014). Business model: what it is and what it is not.Long range planning,47(6), 379-389. Hargreaves, T., Longhurst, N., Seyfang, G. (2013). Up, down, round and round: connecting regimes and practices in innovation for sustainability.Environment and Planning A,45(2), 402-420. Iacob, M. E., Meertens, L. O., Jonkers, H., Quartel, D. A., Nieuwenhuis, L. J., van Sinderen, M. J. (2014). From enterprise architecture to business models and back.Software Systems Modeling,13(3), 1059-1083. Liebowitz, J. (Ed.). (2013).Big data and business analytics. Boca Raton: CRC press. Martins, L. L., Rindova, V. P., Greenbaum, B. E. (2015). Unlocking the hidden value of concepts: a cognitive approach to business model innovation.Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal,9(1), 99-117. Mazzarol, T., Reboud, S., Limnios, E. M., Clark, D. (Eds.). (2014).Research handbook on sustainable co-operative enterprise: Case studies of organisational resilience in the co-operative business model. Edward Elgar Publishing. McDonald's Australia. (2017). Mcdonalds.com.au. Retrieved 24 August 2017, from https://mcdonalds.com.au/ Miller, K., McAdam, M., McAdam, R. (2014). The changing university business model: a stakeholder perspective.RD Management,44(3), 265-287. Nica, E. (2015). ICT innovation, internet sustainability, and economic development.Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics,3(3), 24-29. Pedersen, E. R. G., Gwozdz, W., Hvass, K. K. (2016). Exploring the relationship between business model innovation, corporate sustainability, and organisational values within the fashion industry.Journal of Business Ethics, 1-18. Schneider, S., Spieth, P. (2013). Business model innovation: Towards an integrated future research agenda.International Journal of Innovation Management,17(01), 134-137 Spieth, P., Schneckenberg, D., Ricart, J. E. (2014). Business model innovationstate of the art and future challenges for the field.RD Management,44(3), 237-247. Zott, C., Raphael, A,. Massa, L., (2011), The Business Model: Recent Developments and Future Research. Journal of Management, 37(4), 1019-1042