Saturday, January 25, 2020

Role of Social Media in Online Shopping Advertisements

Role of Social Media in Online Shopping Advertisements A study on perception towards Social media with special references to online shopping Ms. V. PAVITHRA, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR MBA, EASWARI ENGINEERING COLLEGE- CHENNAI Abstract: The rapid rise of social media has captured the attention of marketers and consumers on a global scale, and together with a rapidly changing communications environment marketers now confront new challenges in terms of our understanding of consumer behavior and consumption patterns in the new millennium. Internet and Information technology have made tremendous contribution for business transformation witnessed nowadays all over the world. The growth of this particular media attracts the attention of advertisers as a more productive source to bring in consumers. A clear idea, the consumers have with online advertisement is the control they have over the item, choosing whether to check it out or not. To broaden our understanding and assist in managing marketing communications effectively, this exploratory research investigates the role of social media within the broader advertising and communications mix. The capability of purchasing without leaving your place is of great interest to ma ny consumers. Not only does online shopping offer really good deals, but also brings optimum convenience to the consumers. For the aforesaid purpose, a survey was conducted in Chennai city covering 250 samples. Key words: Online marketing, Social media, Consumer perception, consumption pattern, Advertisers, convenience Introduction: Knowing that, currently, social networks, blogs, forums and sharing sites are the main centers of interest for Internet users, marketers have started to rethink their online communication strategies and adjust to the new trend. Many companies are realizing that having a website and making it visible and easy to find through search engines (SEO) is simply not enough anymore. Nowadays it is vital that their online presence includes a Social Media component on sites like Facebook, Google+, Hi5, MySpace or Twitter. According to the recent research on consumer behaviour  on the Internet users, there are four distinct consumer groups with different intentions and motivations: Exploration Entertainment Shopping Information Types of Internet marketing Internet marketing is broadly divided in to the following types: Display Advertising: the use of web banners or banner ads placed on a third-party website to drive traffic to a companys own website and increase product awareness. Search Engine Marketing (SEM): a form of marketing that seeks to promote websites by increasing their visibility in search engine result pages (SERPs) through the use of either paid placement, contextual advertising, and paid inclusion, or through the use of free search engine optimization techniques. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines via the natural or un-paid (organic or algorithmic) search results. Social Media Marketing: the process of gaining traffic or attention through social media sites. Email Marketing: involves directly marketing a commercial message to a group of people using electronic mail. Referral Marketing: a method of promoting products or services to new customers through  referrals, usually word of mouth. Affiliate Marketing: a marketing practice in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliates own marketing efforts. Content Marketing: involves creating and freely sharing informative content as a means of converting prospects into customers and customers into repeat buyers. Objectives: To study the various attitude of consumers towards online shopping To find out preferences regarding the attitude on social media. To identify the various issues faced by users in social media towards online shopping To analyze the customer response to online advertisements and their impact on purchasing behavior. Methodology: Secondary Research: I first of all surveyed the available literature related to the problem. The published data from various sources like e-Journals, Internet, Books were studied. Quantitative research: After the collection of secondary data, the questionnaire was designed to collect the primary data. It is analyzed on the basis of suitable table by using – Bar technique and percentage analysis. Chi-Square test is applied to test the goodness of fit to verify the distribution of observed data. HYPOTHESIS 1. Analysis of Internet user’s perception of online advertisements. H0 – The six options (entertainment, in formativeness, irritation, credibility, interactivity and purchase) i.e perception behind the online advertisements is same for all people(each of these options have same influential value on the respondents). H1 The six options (entertainment, in formativeness, irritation, credibility, interactivity and purchase) i.e perception behind the online advertisements is different for all people(each of these options have different influential value on the respondents). 2. Analysis of the relationship between the websites that are most searched for Age of the respondents. H0 – Age of the respondents and the websites that are most clicked at, are independent. H1 Age of the respondents and the websites that are most clicked at, are dependent. ANALYSIS 1. Analysis of the relationship between Internet user’s perception of Internet advertisements and Age of the respondents. Relationship between Internet user’s perception and Age-Observed values Age Entertainment Informativeness Irritation Credibility Interactivity Purchase Total 3 7 5 5 3 2 25 30-40 1 7 6 5 5 2 29 41-50 5 5 5 0 5 6 30 >50 3 3 2 4 3 4 18 Total 12 22 18 14 16 18 100 2. Relationship between Internet user’s perception and Age- Expected values Particulars Entertainment Informativeness Irritation Credibility Interactivity Purchase Total 3 5.5 4.5 3.2 2.4 22 25 30-40 3.48 6.69 3 21 3.5 8.3 29 41-50 3.6 6.5 2.22 2.4 4.5 5.7 30 >50 1.92 3 5 2.1 4.5 6.6 18 Total 12 22 18 14 16 18 100 =(4-1)*(6-1)= 15 At 95% of confidence Table value of Chi Square at n=15 is 24.996 Chi Square value observed here is 10.82125416 which is lesser than table value. This proves the hypothesis H0 is accepted â€Å"Perception behind the online advertisements is same for all people† 3. Analysis of the relationship between Internet usage and the Age of the respondents Age Access E-Mail Downloading Net Surfing Window Shopping 12 6 5 10 30-40 6 8 9 7 41-50 3 5 10 3 >50 5 8 4 4 Total 33 22 22 23 4 . Relationship between age and the website usage-Expected values Age Access E-Mail Downloading Net Surfing Window Shopping Total 3.5 2.5 4.3 5.6 23 30-40 4 5 3 2.6 30 41-50 7 7 3.5 4 27 >50 2 4 3.8 8.6 20 Total 33 22 22 23 100 = (4-1)*(4-1) =9 At 95% of confidence Table value of Chi Square at n=9 is 16.911. Chi Square value observed here is 2.456560586 which is lesser than table value. This proves the hypothesis H0 is accepted â€Å"Age of the respondents and the websites that are most clicked at, are independent†. 5. Important elements for the success of promotional campaigns For most respondents (38%) the element of the greatest importance for the success of promotional campaigns through social networks is the originality, followed by a consistent and well transmitted message (for 25%), interactivity (16%), attractive design (15%) and animation (with only 6% of responses). 6. In which extent the brand, company name and company characteristics influences the Respondents For more than 50% of the Social Media users the brand, the company name and the company Characteristics are also very important for capturing their attention. Findings: According to The Nielsen Company’s study, published at the end of January 2010, global consumers spent, on average, more than five and a half hours on social networking sites like Face book and Twitter in December 2009. The study showed an 82% increase from the same month of 2008 when users spent just over three hours on social networks. In addition, the overall traffic to social networking sites has grown over the last four years. Specifically, two thirds of online visitors spend their time on social networks and blogs, placing them ahead of other online forms of engagement and interaction including games and instant messaging. The purchase of a product as a result of experiencing a form of online advertising through social networks was achieved by only 16% of respondents who said they had purchased clothing or accessories (sunglasses, jewelry), electronics (cell phones, cameras, laptops), IT products (software and hardware) or flight tickets. The research results showed that Facebook is the social network where most of the respondents own an user account (27.8% of responses), followed by Hi5 with (21.6%), YouTube with 14.7%, LinkedIn (7 %) and Twitter (6.6%). Conclusion: This study was accomplished to determine the customer perception on social media towards online shopping. Most respondents aged between 26 and 35 and all the respondents who have corporate leadership or decision making positions have a Twitter account, which may confirm the idea that the members of this site are opinion leaders or aspirational models, mature professional people, who have an important point of view to share with others. The research revealed another important finding, namely that users agree to the idea that promoting products or services through social networks can be useful and that advertisements appear in an acceptable number within these platforms. The study also shows that women tend to be more open and tolerant than men in these aspects. Many of the consumers are aware of the various online scams due to which they are very concerned and reluctant while providing their credit card information online. Also the online purchases take a longer time in shipments and deliveries. 65 million Face book members (almost one third of users), have accessed the website from a mobile phone, four times more than the same period in 2008, and in 2010 their number has exceeded 100 million persons. In addition, people who have accessed the site from their mobile phones were almost 50% more active than those not using mobile Internet. I analyze the relationship between Age of the respondents and the websites that are most clicked at, are independent. In a survey of 100 respondents, 33 people used internet for Access E-mail, 23 respondents used internet for window shopping, 22 respondents used internet for downloading, and similarly 22 respondents used net surfing. Finally I concluded that the social media is giving broad platform to consumers for having more choices with comfort shopping. REFERENCES 1. Belch, G., Belch, M., Kerr, G., Powell, I., 2009. Advertising and promotion: an integrated  Marketing communication perspective, McGraw Hill Australia, Sydney, New South Wales. 2. Engel, J.F., Blackwell, R.D. and Miniard, P.W., Consumer Behavior. Chicago: Dryden  Press, 1990. 3. Humphries, J., 2010. Social networking in business – Face book. CXO Europe, January 4,  2010. Retrieved June 14, 2010, from facebook/ 4. Kaplan, A., Haenlein, M., 2010. Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media. Business Horizons 53 (1), 59-68. 5. Muniz, A., O’Guinn, T., 2001. Brand community. Journal of Consumer Research 27 (4), 412- 432. 6. Zeng, F., Huang, L., Dou, W., 2009. Social factors in user perceptions and responses to  advertising in online social networking communities. Journal of Interactive Advertising 10  (1), 1-13.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Health and Diet Essay

Pienso que llevo una vida sana, ya que mi dieta es sana y balanceada. Tambien hago deportes regularmente y no tengo problemas de salud. Tambien evito la comida grasosa. Me considero estar en buena forma, ya que practico deportes y siempre estoy activo y en forma. Ademas me encanta la education fisica en el colegio. Un habito que tengo es que, me muerdo las unas a veces me muerdo las unas pero solo cuando estoy nervioso. Normalmente, como bien y me gusta la comida casera que es sana, me gusta comer ensalada y pasta en el fin de semana y de vez en cuando bebo agua o leche pero generalmente bebo naranjada y tambien tomo sopa y me encanta el pescado especialmente para la cena o la comida. En mi opinion las comidas saludables son los alimentos frescos y nutritivos, como las legumbres que contienen vitaminas. No obstante la comida procesada no es saludable ya que es rica en grasa y sal que sube la presion arterial. Asi que comer bien es muy importante pra estar en forma y para mantenernos sanos. Me gusta hacer ejercicio. Juego al futbol regularmente y tambien hago pesas dos veces a la semana, ademas duermo bien y descanso lo suficiente y no veo mucho la tele. Recientemente jugue un partido de baloncesto y corri mucho ya que era un campeonato y por suerte ganamos. Creo que por esto no tengo muchos problemas para estresarme. En las proximas semanas me gustaria dejar de comer comida rapida espeicialmente las patatas fritas y empezare a comer frutas que son mas deliosas ademas, me gustaria ir al gimnasio mas a menudo y deberia de levantarme mas temperano. Para no llegar tarde al colegio. Quiero estar mas en forma ya que asi podria tener mas energia para usar usarla en mi colegio. Si mi colegio me ayuda a estar sano y en forma porque me ensena a comer bien y puedo practicar deportes como el futbol o el rugby. Tambien hay muchos profesores que me dicen que hacer cuando estoy enfermo. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Spanish section.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Living An Independent Lifestyle On Campus - 921 Words

I was seventeen when I started living away from my parents at an on-campus residence at Brock University. I couldn’t help but feel free and independent, since having strict parents like mine meant that I was rarely unsupervised growing up. However, though I felt independent, I could not have been more wrong. Living on campus has a great amount of benefits such as dedicated meal plans, networking opportunities with fellow floor mates, unlimited utilities, laundry, and of course, having all of that paid for by government student loans. Since the university does not allow you to live on campus after the first year of studies, I had to find a new living arrangement somewhere off of campus grounds. After living in off-campus residences, I understood the realities of living an independent lifestyle differed greatly from my perception of it when I was living on campus. As a university student who has lived in both on-campus housing and off campus housing, I feel that off-campus housing better prepares you for leading an independent, adult lifestyle. Being a resident on campus meant that there was a lot of supervision. The residence that I lived in had ‘Dons’, people who were paid to live in and supervise the students living in the residences. Their job entailed assisting residents, making sure rules were followed, and creating social events for the residents to network and interact with each other. However, if a resident were to do something wrong or deface property, a warningShow MoreRelatedStudent Nutrition Essay1624 Words   |  7 PagesHow does lifestyle influence student’s eating habits? Do different lifestyles affect student’s eating habits? The consumption of a healthy eating, weight control and general wellness are getting more significance throughout the daily living of the students. (Jackson, Berry, Kennedy, 2009). 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Is College Really Important College - 987 Words

Is college really important? College and Jefferson. Everything in life will come with its advantages, disadvantages and its importance. Similarly college does relate to what Thomas Jefferson states in his argument from the declaration of independence. Yes, college does provide freedom, liberty and pursuit of happiness however, only to a limited extend. Today college has become an investment for the future. For all our lives we have been around a certain group of people, from elementary to high school we have not moved outside our comfort zone. We were never given the freedom to try and discover new things. College provides students with a sense of freedom and independence which is extremely important for the life ahead.†Education meant nothing less than freedom† (Bowie state university commencement speech, 289) in college we meet new people coming from different backgrounds with so many different cultures and ideas. For me this is freedom, freedom to discover a new world, learn about new things. With so many majors on the table everyone can choose independently what to pursue. In America one has the liberty to choose either a four year college directly or start with a two year community college. According to Liz Addison â€Å"the community college system is America’s hidden public gem.† (Two years are better than four, 257). The community college provides an easy an affordable start to ones degree. People not only over the country but also from all over the globeShow MoreRelatedTeaching Is Necessary For Everyone910 Words   |  4 Pages People go to college because they want to learn useful things and have a better life after graduate. Some of them are indeed find a good job by their diploma. However, college education actually make many students disappointed. Traditional education always be criticized in college movies. Creativity and passion are important for schooling which are always ignored. 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